Dr. Claudio Zito

Judging Panel

Dr. Claudio Zito

Claudio Zito is a Lead Scientist in Control, AI, and Robotics at the Autonomous Robotics Research Centre (ARRC) at the Technology Innovation Institute (TII) in Abu Dhabi (UAE). Claudio’s main research interest is in mapping perception into actions for cognitive models where he concentrates on planning grasping and manipulative actions for robots operating in partially observable environments. Prior to joining TII, Claudio was a senior research fellow at the Extreme Robotics Lab, University of Birmingham (UK) where he was also a lecturer in AI.

Claudio obtained his PhD in Robotics at the University of Birmingham (UK). In his career, Claudio has published 20+ peer-reviewed papers on cognitive models for robotics and contributed to several EU FP7 projects and UK research grants. He is also a Review Editor on the Editorial Board of Frontiers in Neurorobotics.

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