Dr. Carlos Agüero

Judging Panel

Dr. Carlos Agüero

Carlos Agüero is a Consulting Software Engineer at Open Robotics, where he works as a contributor and project lead in open-source simulation projects. Carlos has been part of the Open Robotics team which supported the DARPA Subterranean Challenge, ONR Virtual RobotX competition, and the DARPA Robotics Challenge.

Before joining Open Robotics, Carlos held a faculty position in the Systems Communication Department at Universidad Rey Juan Carlos and was Director of the Telematics and Computer Systems Master program. In 2010 and 2011, he was a visiting scholar at the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at the University of Texas, Austin, and CORAL Research group at Carnegie Mellon University.

Carlos received his Ph. D. from Universidad Rey Juan Carlos in Computer Science. Carlos's research was focused on multi-robot object localization, task allocation and multi-target object localization. Earlier in his career, Carlos was an active member of the RoboCup community participating in the RoboCup Standard Platform League, where he co-developed a complete robot architecture (Behaviour-based Iterative Control Architecture, BICA) from scratch for the Nao robot which was applied to robot soccer and Alzheimer therapy.

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